
Merry Meet, all. Hummingbird, here. 21-year-old eclectic Pagan and witch who works primarily in crystal, warding, and energy magicks. Asexual, with a wonderful girlfriend. I am just beginning to learn the path of Athena. Attending college with end goal of a degree in Interior Design.

This blog is a digitalized record of my life as a Pagan. It includes spells, charms, notes on the properties of various magickal items, and my own personal experiences with my practice. Sometimes I post multiple times a day, sometimes it's once a month.

All are welcome here. Please, make yourself at home, and let me know if I can help you with anything. )0(


August 31st, 2012

A very happy Esbat and Blue Moon to all! A Blue Moon, for those who don't know, is the second full moon to occur in a month, something that happens every two to four years. The term "Blue" Moon comes from ancient calendar makers. They denoted the full moon in red ink, but on the rare occasion that two full moons happened in the same month, the second moon was colored in blue. It is a time of exceptional power, and so is best used in regard to long-term goals or projects. It is also an excellent time for divination. So go out tonight, my friends, and revel in the Lady's glory. Remember:  

"If if that which you seek, you find not within yourself, you will never find it without.
For behold, I have been with you from the beginning, and I am That which is attained at the end of desire."


August 19th, 2012

So many exciting things to write about today. First of all, Hazelnut will be coming for a visit on Tuesday, before we're both back to school the day after. Summer went by so quickly.
I also started my first official job today, working as a page/book shelver at the local public library. I'm still not sure how that's going to play into my busy schedule, but it'll work out somehow.
On a more magickal note, I've been interested in the local flora ever since a presentation I saw last week on edible wild plants. Not only is harvesting wild edibles an interesting task from a culinary perspective, being able to identify natural growing herbs and flowers can be most useful in creating one's spells. It seems to me that it makes the most sense to work with what grows around you, naturally, rather than some dried flower shipped here from the other side of the planet. The energy just isn't the same. I'd like to get a real field guide, but in the meantime I'm making do with an app on my phone, called NatureGate. It allows you to look at a wild plant and choose from a wide variety of characteristics that describe it. Then, it calculates the potential species of what you're looking at, based on what you specify. It's a neat idea, but I'm not sure how useful it will be for me; it's based in Finland. Still, it says that many of the species are found worldwide, so we'll see.


August 18th, 2012

I just finished cleansing the house! After the events of yesterday, and the passing of one of my dad's good friends, I thought the energy really needed to be cleared, and it already feels way better in here! Energy cleansing is an important part of regulating the health of a household, and should be done after a bad fight, break-up, divorce, death, or other negative occurrence. It can also be done even when nothing bad has occurred, to keep the positive energy fresh and flowing. All you need is some salt, water, and a bell (but you don't even need that if you can clap your hands). Bless and cleanse the first two. Put three pinches of salt into the water and stir, while consecrating the mixture as holy water. Then walk into the room where the most negative energy is clinging (if, for instance, you are cleansing after an argument, go first to the room where the argument took place). Dip your fingers into the holy water and draw a banishing pentagram in the air. Say something along the lines of:
"I cleanse this space of all negativity, in this world and in the astral. Nothing evil or nasty, real or imagined, can ever abide here. So mote it be." 
Then sprinkle some of the water three times in a counter-clockwise circle. Ring the bell or clap your hands until the energy in the room has been raised to a normal, positive level. Repeat the procedure in every room of the home. Note: energy should always be cleansed after a new home, apartment, dorm, etc. is purchased. Old negativity from the previous owners can hang around otherwise.
Now that I'm home, and have some time to do so, I can finally finish off my running gemstone presentations with today's final stone (for now), Unakite.

Physical Characteristics: Unakite appears as a pink stone mottled with an  olive green. It may look almost mossy, and have little pink showing. If there is no pink, however, the stone may not be Unakite, but green Epidote.

In Nature: Unakite is an altered granite composed of pink feldspar and green Epidote, mixed with clear quartz.

Chemical Composition: SiO2 + Ca2(Fe,Al)Al2

Mohs Scale Hardness: 6.5 (middle)

Can be Found: South Africa, the USA, Brazil, and China

Healing Properties*: By releasing emotional trauma, the whole body is impacted, with healthier organs, muscles, and other tissues. Unakite is important to a safe pregnancy, aiding healthy growth of the infant, and, if one is underweight, can help one reach a safe body mass.

Magickal Properties: Unakite provides balance between the mundane and spiritual lives. It helps remove obstacles to personal growth, allowing one to let go of pain and anger. The stone builds self-confidence, strengthens courage, and allows one to really take control of one's life. Additionally, Unakite can be taken into difficult situations, to retain one's personal power. Unakite also has associations with finding lost objects, gardening, and attracting spirit guides.

Chakra Association: Unakite is best synchronised with the Third, or Solar Plexus Chakra, and the Fourth, or Heart Chakra.

Element: Fire, Water

Energy: Projective, Receptive

Planetary Association: Mars, Venus

*Magickal healing should never take the place of seeing a doctor and following any recommended prescriptions, actions, or other advice. Magick works best in tandem with physical efforts, anyway, so don't skimp on those check-ups!


August 17th, 2012

I have some really sad news today. Last month, Nick got a pet frog named Dot from a family friend. While we were on vacation, dad called to tell us that she had escaped. He searched for a long time, and set out plates of water, but never caught sight of her. Then last night, I had a dream that Dot had died. Today, as we returned home from our trip, I really hoped that it had only been a dream, and that we'd find Dot alive and okay. Unfortunately, it seemed she never found the water, or perhaps it had been too late even after dad set it out, because we found her dead under Nick's window. Nick was positively devastated, of course, and the rest of us were very sad as well. We buried her in the backyard, in a flower bed by the pool and marked the spot with a stone and some chamomile flowers. Later, I also made a circle around the area with some dried lavender I had harvested. Tomorrow, when I'm less worn out, I'll do a ritual to cleanse the house of negativity. In the meantime, I'm wearing my rose quartz and am trying to keep a positive attitude around Nick.

Dot, you were much loved. You were too young to go, and I hope that in the Summerland, you find a brilliant pond waiting for you.

Merry did we meet, and although our parting was perhaps not the merriest of occasions, I take comfort in knowing that we will merry meet once more.


August 16th, 2012

Yesterday was really busy, as my Aunt C and her friend Leah took us to the State Fair. We saw everything from animals carved of chocolate and butter, to quilts and knitted items, to animals (from the farm and the wild). There was a presentation on wild edibles and how to collect outdoors, as well as one on Midwestern wild canines - foxes, coyotes, and wolves. We actually got to see and pet a sweet little wolf pup, who was only a year old.

Once the day was done and we'd eaten dinner, we returned to Aunt C's place. I love her house. She has hand made wooden, clay, and fabric masks hanging from the walls, replicas of Egyptian and Roman statuary, and dozens of other art pieces. She also has four cats: Wiccan, Skylla, Tinkerbell, and Onyx. Skylla is really shy; I saw her for about 10 seconds, and she's been hiding the rest of the time. The other three are quite playful, though, and more than happy to climb into bed with you, as I discovered last night. Onyx sat next to me for the longest time, waking me at 3:00 this morning when he started bathing my fingers. Today, we met my mom's friend, Tara, at the Botanic Gardens. They had a stunning selection of plants: orchids, banana palms, cacti, and even some wee bonsai trees.


August 14th, 2012

It's a beautiful day at grandma's house! I'm seated on their porch as I write this, enjoying the smell of fresh-cut grass, and keeping an eye out for the Hummingbirds who visit my grandma's feeder. We went for another walk today along a shadier path next to the creek and saw a very silly squirrel loudly chewing on a nut.
Having caught a bit of a respite, I finally have time to add information on a new stone, Red Jasper.
 Red Jasper
Physical Characteristics: Red Jasper is, as one might expect, a scarlet red. It is typically striated with brown and/or dark red stripes. Jasper comes in many other colors, and that affects their uses, so the following may not be true of all Jaspers.

In Nature: Jasper is a form of chalcedony, like Bloodstone. It is opaque and colored due to iron oxide in the stone.

Chemical Composition: SiO2 (Silicon Dioxide)

Mohs Scale Hardness: 7 (middle-high)

Can be Found: Australia, Brazil, Canada, Egypt, India, Kazakstan, Madagascar, Russia, Uruguay, and the USA.

Healing Properties*: Therapeutically, Red Jasper stimulates sexuality and fertility. It is beneficial in treating the liver, spleen, and pancreas. Drinking Jasper water before every meal promotes weight loss. On the other hand, the stone helps battle anorexia and bulimia, as well other stomach disorders. Jasper water is further beneficial in easing constipation.

Magickal Properties: As a decorative stone, Jasper combats exhaustion. It aligns the chakras, balancing yin and yang energies, and may be used to bring rain. In the past, Jasper warded off snake and spider bite. Although not a great concern today, these ancient associations imply that Jasper can protect against modern dangers, from car crashes to harassment. Jasper promotes mental processes and restrains dangerous whims. Worn by young women, it promotes beauty and grace. This is another lucky stone for actors, and it gives one the courage to speak out. It is a stone of stability and strength. Red Jasper enhances dream recall and dream work, and assists in unjust situations.

Chakra Association: Red Jasper aligns all the chakras, but is especially helpful to the First, or Root Chakra, and the Second, or Sacral Chakra.

Element: Fire

Energy: Projective

Planetary Association: Mars

*Magickal healing should never take the place of seeing a doctor and following any recommended prescriptions, actions, or other advice. Magick works best in tandem with physical efforts, anyway, so don't skimp on those check-ups!


August 13th, 2012

Greetings! My family and I have been rather on-the-go the last few days, beginning the night of the 11th, when we sat outside to watch the meteor shower. We saw a few dozen smaller ones, and two that were really bright against the night sky.
Then on the 12th, we drove to my grandparent's house, getting there around 2:00. Their internet was down, hence my lack of posting, but I worked on a few fairy drawings that I'm putting in my school binders. This morning my grandma went on a hike with us around a nearby lake, where we saw all kinds of beautiful wildflowers and several turkey vultures.
Later, my grandpa took us to the Reiman Gardens, which was doing an exhibition of garden-themed Lego sculptures. My favorite was, of course, the Hummingbird.

I also went into the butterfly house, and enjoyed several varieties landing on me, while stalking the gorgeous Blue Morpho butterflies, who proved to be great teases, refusing to let me get a good picture of their blue wings.

I ended up just taking video of the Morphos, and when I got home was able to pick out this shot:


August 11th, 2012

I'm looking at an exciting upcoming week to round off my summer vacation - tomorrow my mom, Ben, and I are all heading to our grandparents' house for a few days (Nick is there already). Then, rather than just coming home, we'll be with my Aunt C and her friend Leah until Friday. I should still be able to update my blog, though. By way of interest, I will be taking my travel altar, but I'm not sure how much of an opportunity my grandparents are going to give me to use it, as I'm not openly Pagan with them and would like to avoid awkward questions. The stone-o'-the-day is Bloodstone, which is rather appropriate, as I've been working with it today and yesterday.
Physical Characteristics: Bloodstone, or Heliotrope,, as it is sometimes called, is a very dark green stone that may have small white or blue splotches. It is most notable, however, for the flakes of metallic red or yellow layered over the green. Sometimes the color is very noticeable, and sometimes it's a very subtle effect, better seen under direct light.
In Nature: Bloodstone is a form of chalcedony. When green chalcedony contains flecks of red jasper or iron oxide, it is know as Bloodstone. When the spots are yellow, it is often given the name "Plasma".

Chemical Composition: SiO2 (Silicon Dioxide)

Mohs Scale Hardness: 6.5 - 7 (middle-high)

Can be Found: India, Brazil, China, Australia, and the USA.

Healing Properties*: The stone helps with cleansing the blood, thus detoxifying the body, and supports all organs that do the same. Bloodstone's most famous use is in halting bleeding, especially small cuts and nose-bleeds. Obviously, the more serious the cut, the more difficult it becomes to heal it quickly. For pregnant mothers, a Bloodstone worn on the arm can prevent miscarriage, while one on the thigh eases childbirth and reduces the risk of hemorrhaging.

Magickal Properties: In addition to its healing potential, Bloodstone gives one protection from negativity. The stone brings adaptability, especially in survival situations, but also in daily life. It is cleansing on all levels, working emotionally to ease sorrow and depression. Bloodstone is also used to bring courage, strength, victory, and wealth, and is an excellent stone to have on hand in business and legal matters. The stone increases the body's energy circulation and removes blockages. Additionally, Bloodstone provides a figurative invisibility when one is looking to blend in with the crowd.

Chakra Association: Bloodstone is tied to the First, or Root Chakra.

Element: Fire

Energy: Projective

Planetary Association: Mars

*Magickal healing should never take the place of seeing a doctor and following any recommended prescriptions, actions, or other advice. Magick works best in tandem with physical efforts, anyway, so don't skimp on those check-ups!


August 10th, 2012

There's honestly not a lot going on here today, so I'll skip the usual introduction and just get on with it. I shall be discussing Sodalite today, this being one of the seven stones I purchased at the Faery Fest.
Physical Characteristics: Sodalite is a stone with a similar appearance to Lapis Lazuli, although it lacks the sparkles of pyrite. Typically, Sodalite is a mottled blend of dark and light blues, mixed with streaks of white.

In Nature: Found as vein fillings in plutonic rocks. Associated with other minerals common to undersaturated environments, such as leucite, cancrinite, and natrolite.

Chemical Composition: Na4Al3Si3O12Cl (Sodium Aluminium Silicate Chloride)

Mohs Scale Hardness: 5.5 - 6 (middle)

Can be Found: Greenland, Canada, the USA, British Columbia, Brazil, Bolivia, Russia, Romania, and Burma

Healing Properties*: Carried constantly on one's person, Sodalite reduces blood pressure. It further calms the thyroid gland, the nervous system, and all glandular functions, while heightening metabolism.

Magickal Properties: Sodalite is the stone of artists, as it inspires as it protects. Sodalite brings inner calm, and ought to be used throughout the house. It harmonizes the conscious and subconscious minds, and stimulates thought. It is wonderful for healing breaches in communication, and is a stone of truth. It increases intelligence, knowledge, and learning, and balances the logical mind with the spiritual. The stone reduces stress and prolongs physical endurance. Particularly when used with Lapis Lazuli or Clear Quartz, Sodalite is excellent for improving one's ability to meditate and receive psychic information. It can be used in grounding excess energy, as well as in improving self-esteem.

Chakra Association: Sodalite is most effective when used with the Second, or Sacral Chakra, the Fifth, or Throat Chakra, and the Sixth, or Third Eye Chakra.

Element: Air, Water

Energy: Receptive

Planetary Association: Venus

*Magickal healing should never take the place of seeing a doctor and following any recommended prescriptions, actions, or other advice. Magick works best in tandem with physical efforts, anyway, so don't skimp on those check-ups!


August 9th, 2012

Getting ready to go back to school, and seeking ways to get the most out of the year? I know I am, and I've been rooting through my BOS, other books, and of course, the internet, looking for simple spells to enhance my learning. If you have a suggestion for me, I'd love to hear it! So far, all I've settled on definitively is that I'll be taking my Fluorite and Calcite and will empower them for memory. These I shall add to a pouch, along with a sprig of Rosemary, that I will wear on the first day of school, and at other times when I feel I need that extra boost.

If you would like to try the same, but don't have the stones, you could, of course, buy them, or substitute in other stones that have the ability to boost intelligence. A Clear Quartz is a good universal crystal that will work beautifully if you don't have any other options. Crystals not your thing? Try rolling the Rosemary in a tube of yellow paper, and perhaps adding a feather. Both of these are symbols of the Element Air, and it is these elementals that bring intelligence and wisdom. I'll keep you posted as I come up with other spells and ideas.

Today's stone, for those interested in my running saga, is Malachite.


Physical Characteristics: Malachite is a stone coming in a deep green with banding in a bright, almost lime, shade. It may be tumbled or raw. It is also available in polished clumps.

In Nature: Often results from the weathering of copper ores, and is typically found with Azurite. Associated with limestone deposits around the copper.

Chemical Composition: Cu2CO3(OH)2 (Copper Carbonate Hydroxide)

Mohs Scale Hardness: 4 (low-middle)

Can be Found: Worldwide, especially Russia, West Europe, the USA, Israel, Zambia, and Namibia

Healing Properties*: The stone wards off heart pains and cardiac asthma, and a daily bathing of the eyes in Malachite water strengthens the optic nerves. It decreases susceptibility to radiation illness, asthma, arthritis, and tumors, and aids in the function of the pancreas and spleen.

Magickal Properties: Malachite reminds us to renew our connection with the All. It improves one's outlook and releases stress to create new beginnings. It builds one's strength, and is the stone of pregnant women. The copper in the stone gives it a steady, pulsing electrical field, absorbing negative energies from the aura and protecting against outside negativity. Used with the Third Chakra, Malachite clears static or repressed emotion. The stone counteracts negative ideas about love and relationships, attracting positive love. Additionally, it is good for emotional stability and balance. Malachite can detect danger; legend says that the stone will break apart in warning of an immanent calamity. The stone lends its protective magick especially well to children, keeping away nightmares, the "evil eye", and other negative influences. Use in magickal rites to build power, as well as to increase control over where the energy is sent. It is a great stone for actors and public speakers, as it draws attention to one's person. According to Roman belief, use of Malachite can enable communion with animals and their spirits. Worn during business meetings, or placed in the cash register, Malachite increases one's sales and prosperity.

Chakra Association: Malachite works with all seven chakras, but has a special affinity for the Third, or Solar Plexus Chakra, and the Fourth, or Heart Chakra.

Element: Earth

Energy: Receptive

Planetary Association: Venus

*Magickal healing should never take the place of seeing a doctor and following any recommended prescriptions, actions, or other advice. Magick works best in tandem with physical efforts, anyway, so don't skimp on those check-ups!


August 8th, 2012

Wow, is it really only two weeks until school starts again? That's insane! Ben and I did our back-to-school shopping today (Nick claims to already have everything he needs), and I am now equipped with a small army of notebooks, binders, pens, and pencils. I've also got some new magnetic pieces for my microscopic locker, plus my things from last year. I also have some locker-protection talismans that I'm going to re-empower. One is a different take on a Witch's Bottle, and the other is a garland. Later this month I intend to empower all my supplies for memory and anti-procrastination.
On a completely different note, today's stone that I shall expound upon is Fluorite, which, I recently learned, is Illinois' state mineral.


Physical Characteristics: Fluorite is often translucent and may contain a variety of colors including green, pink, blue, and purple. Stones containing all of these colors are known as "Rainbow Fluorite". They may also have banding.

In Nature: Also called Fluorspar, and, due to chemical impurities, may be fluorescent. Often forms the host rock around veins of other minerals. Common in granite and other igneous
rocks; found in small amounts in dolostone and limestone.

Chemical Composition: CaF2 (Calcium Fluoride)

Mohs Scale Hardness: 4 (low middle)

Can be Found: China, West Europe, Mexico, the USA, South Africa, and Canada

Healing Properties*: In healing, Fluorite removes energy blockages, pain, respiratory issues, skin disease, and arthritis. It stimulates cell regeneration, and so can be used to heal ulcers.

Magickal Properties: Fluorite improves self-discipline, especially when trying to reach a meditative state, and helps to order one's thoughts. It relieves anger and depression, calming and soothing strong emotion. Further, it amplifies analytical thought, and possesses protective qualities. Fluorite cleanses the aura, and removes any cording, an unhealthy emotional connection to others. It aids in channeling, connecting to the Akashic Records, and in communing with various Nature Spirits. Also, Fluorite amplifies the power of other stones. Since the stone reduces stress, it is optimal for work spaces and other high-stress areas. Like Calcite, Fluorite improves memory and is an excellent study tool. Placed on the Third Eye Chakra, it makes one more receptive to psychic information and improves visualization. On the throat it assists in speaking your mind, and on the heart it heals emotional trauma, releases guilt, and encourages compassion and forgiveness.

Chakra Association: Fluorite is tied to the Fourth, or Heart Chakra, the Fifth, or Throat Chakra, and the Sixth, or Third Eye Chakra.

Element: Air, Water

Energy: Projective

Planetary Association: Neptune, Venus

*Magickal healing should never take the place of seeing a doctor and following any recommended prescriptions, actions, or other advice. Magick works best in tandem with physical efforts, anyway, so don't skimp on those check-ups!


August 7th, 2012

Since I bought several new stones at the Faery Fest, I've been doing a great deal of research into their individual properties, both physical and magickal. I then decided to share a cohesive, manageable post on the properties of various stones, doing perhaps one or two a day. Today's topic is Emerald Calcite. Be aware, however, that Calcite comes in a variety of colors, and that magickal uses, as well as correspondences, may vary between varieties.

Emerald Calcite

Physical Characteristics: Pale sea-foam green to a rich emerald-like color. It has a distinct "greasy" or "soapy" feeling.

In Nature: Calcite is a major component of chalk, limestone, and marble.

Chemical Composition: CaCO3 (Calcium Carbonate)

Mohs Scale Hardness: 3 (low)

Can be Found: Worldwide, especially Mexico

Healing Properties*: Emerald Calcite acts as a detoxifier, supporting the liver, kidneys, and colon. It is excellent for skin conditions, as well as for bone and joint health (as it contains Calcium), and for boosting the immune system.

Magickal Properties: This variety of Calcite, notable for its distinct green color, is a prosperity stone, drawing wealth and increasing fertility. It enables one to build bridges with others, to see and speak truly, and to be open-hearted. It strengthens not only our connection to others, but to other places and times as well, making this stone excellent for use in past-life regression, astral travel, and out-of-body experiences. It is also useful in dealing with fear concerning change in one's personal life and beliefs, and in letting go of the past. Calcite deals with matters of the heart - of self-love and love of others. It clears the body of negative self-image and negative thoughts regarding relationships. It is calming, and promotes spiritual growth. Further, Emerald Calcite stimulates memory, and so is a great study-stone.

Chakra Association: Emerald Calcite stimulates the Fourth, or Heart, Chakra.

Element: Earth

Energy: Projective

Planetary Association: Venus

*Magickal healing should never take the place of seeing a doctor and following any recommended prescriptions, actions, or other advice. Magick works best in tandem with physical efforts, anyway, so don't skimp on those check-ups!


August 6th, 2012

After leaving for Hazelnut's house Friday afternoon, I returned yesterday around 7:00. On Friday, I got acquainted with Hazelnut's new familiar, Gypsy, a black kitten who they found abandoned in a park. She's absolutely adorable, although her wee little claws sure are sharp! We also made meringue cookies, some of which we decided to take on Saturday to share. Saturday morning, we stopped at a Subway restaurant to get lunch, already in our costumes. The expression on the employee's face was priceless. Then we drove to the festival park, getting there early to sign in as volunteers.

There wasn't a great deal for us to help with, so instead, we spent the day exploring the vendor's tents, watching the Swords of Valour perform their sword fights - they're quite a hilarious group, actually - and spending a large portion of the money we brought. It will never cease to amaze me how blatantly Pagan the Faery Fest is: it seemed like everyone had a pentacle necklace, a Triple Goddess tattoo, a dancing Goddess necklace, or some combination of the three. And even those who didn't often reflected one or more of the themes in their wares.

We found a vendor from OakMoon Crafts selling beautiful sets of embroidered towels, wash cloths, Books of Shadows, shirts, and more, with the embroidery including fantasy dragons and faeries for non-Pagans, and pentacles, Sabbat imagery, and Triple Goddess signs for those who were. I was really tempted to take home a Lammas washcloth, but somehow I wasn't sure that my parents would approve. That was only the tip of the proverbial iceberg, though. One huge tent had a vast variety of goods, ranging from fox and raccoon tails to delicate beaded jewelry. Hazelnut found a perfect ceramic cauldron for $3, as well as a lovely brass chalice. I got myself a pouch to hold stones and herbs in. Speaking of stones, there were at least three places specializing in semi-precious varieties, which I took a particular interest in exploring. I ended up with a piece of emerald calcite and fluorite. Also on day one, I purchased a small besom, as my previous one was... lacking, to put it kindly, as well as a snail-shell water vial. We chased giant bubbles around for a while, enjoyed some wonderful music, and were about to head around again when a huge storm blew in, closing the Fest a few hours early. In the meantime, Hazelnut and I headed back to her house, where we relaxed for the evening. Sunday morning, it was back to the Faery Fest. Because of Saturday's storm, some of the vendors had had trouble with their tents, so Hazelnut and I helped get things in order. We also gave Meadowynn and the Faery Queen a hand with the tea parties, where little faery girls could listen to stories, eat some cookies, and enjoy blueberry lemonade. Later, I had a chance to hit up some more stone vendors, and used the last of my cash on pieces of unakite, red jasper, malachite, sodalite, and bloodstone. Finally, may I just say that some of the costumes we saw were spectacular. There were whole hosts of faeries, Green Men, pirates, and other sprite-ly beings who had really gone all out.


August 5th, 2012

Welcome to the Celtic Tree Month of Hazel! A special shout-out here to my friend Hazelnut, whose name comes the fruit of the Hazel tree. The word for Hazel in Celtic is Coll, meaning "the life force inside you". This is the time of year that Hazelnuts start appearing on trees, and the harvest can begin (notice how this corresponds in timing to Lammas, the first grain harvest of the year). The Hazel genus, Corylus, is a group of deciduous trees and large shrubs. They produce flowers in early spring before the leaves develop, with the male catkins being pale yellow, and the female catkins being a bright red. The nuts are largely spherical, 1 - 2 cm in diameter, and with a hard husk completely covering the inner nut.
In Celtic mythology, the nine Hazel trees that grew around a sacred well at the source of the river Shannon were said to possess great wisdom. The nuts fell into the river, where they were then eaten by salmon (a fish sacred to the Druids), giving them the great wisdom in turn. Supposedly, the number of spots on the salmon showed how many nuts they had eaten. In a similar Druidic legend, one fish ate all the Hazelnuts, and a Druid master, seeking great wisdom, ordered the fish to be caught and cooked. His apprentice did so, but while the fish cooked, the grease splattered on the apprentice's thumb. He sucked the grease off the finger, thus taking all the fish's wisdom, and later went on to become Fionn Mac Cumhail, one of the greatest figures in Irish mythology. Because of the prominence of the Hazel in the mythos of this region, felling a Hazel tree often had severe consequences. On occasion, the wood was used to light funeral pyres, and wands made of Hazel were buried with important figures. In Roman mythology, the Hazel was sacred to Mercury (known as Hermes in Greek legend). According to Roman belief, Mercury killed some of the bulls sacred to Apollo for dinner, and as such, sang Apollo a song while playing his lyre to make up for it. Apollo so loved the music that he did not punish Mercury, and gave him the famed Hazel-wood Caduceus in exchange for the lyre.
Magickally, anyone who read the above legends could guess the Hazel's association with wisdom. Hazel wands and staffs can impart wisdom and poetic energy to its bearer. If one is to make a Hazel wand, the traditional time to cut the branch is sunrise on Wednesday, Wednesday being the day sacred to Mercury. Stringing the Hazelnuts together and hanging about the house is a way to draw good luck, and the same Hazelnut strands can be given to bridesmaids as gifts signifying wealth, wisdom, and good health. The nuts, when empowered, can ward off excessive menstrual flow, fever, and diarrhoea. They can also increase fertility. Additionally notable is the Hazel's association with divination. Dowsing rods, in particular, are traditionally constructed from Hazel wood.  These dowsing rods are Y-shaped branches, with the two top prongs being held loosely by the diviner. When the bottom section moves of its own accord, this is considered a "hit". Dowsing rods can find water, mineral deposits, lost objects, and even people and pets.
While the tree itself isn't particularly edible, Hazelnuts are nutritious and tasty, providing protein, and are easily stored. They can be ground and mixed with bread flours, roasted, added to candy, and substituted for many other tree nuts. These days, Hazelnuts are often eaten in luxury delicacies, such as chocolate. Many even take Hazelnut-flavored cream in their coffee!


August 3rd, 2012

Eeep! I'm so excited! In just a few hours, I'll be heading over to Hazelnut's house for what will likely be the most exciting weekend of the year - the Fairy Fest! I swear, I must have checked, double checked, and triple checked my suitcase by now. I keep feeling like I'm going to forget something, but I think I've finally got all the essentials. I've never been to an event like this. Have you? I'd love to hear about it!


Travel Altar

Well, I did it! I rummaged through my closet, stored altar supplies, and the dreaded coat/backpack/jacket/random-thing-someone-didn't-want-to-put-away rack to find all the supplies and a carrier needed to construct my travelling altar.

Top middle (North): A small makeup mirror, an itty bitty brush for a besom, a polished rock, and a salt vial.
Top right: Gold pouch to hold the vials, rock/crystal, and shell.
Right (East): Feather and wand.
Bottom middle (South): Yellow tea light and a pocket knife.
Left (West):  Snail shell and empty vial for water.
Top left: Tarot deck and book.
Center (Spirit): My God and Goddess statues flank a white tea light in a ceramic holder with a tiny crystal set in front.

And all that fit into this small canvas shoulder bag that I got as a prize from the library years ago. Later, I'll bless and consecrate my travel altar as part of my Esbat ritual.

August 2nd, 2012

This is quite the jam-packed week, here, magickally speaking! Yesterday was Lammas, today is Esbat, and tomorrow I'm going to Hazelnut's house for the Fairy Fest.
Rather hilariously this morning, my mom and I were driving my dad to work when I told mom that Hazelnut wanted me to head over at around 4:30 tomorrow afternoon. My dad had no idea what we were talking about - he didn't realize I was going to be gone this weekend, even though I've been planning my trip for almost a year! Also exciting, to me at least, was the realization yesterday that we have a second litter of wee baby bunnies inhabiting the backyard. I was watering the hostas, when BANG - this itty bitty fluff ball came barrelling out from under the plant, saw me, turned around mid stride and dashed into the neighbor's yard. Nick spotted him again this morning, so we all headed out to see him. So precious.
For Esbat today, I'm listening to some of my favorite Pagan tunes and watching some Youtube videos by other Pagan web-goers. One in particular has me interested - creating a travel altar. I'm familiar with the concept: a small, portable altar tucked in a purse, bag, or even a tin, containing all the basics for a ritual. I have a very basic version that I kept in my school locker last year, but I got some great new ideas and now I'm considering expansion options.
A travel altar could include:
  • A cloth to set everything up on
  • A God/dess representation (statues, two stones, two tea lights, etc.)
  • Small vials for salt, water, sand, etc.
  • A feather
  • Miniature wand
  • A pocket knife (for an athame)
  • Tarot Cards or other small divining set
  • A few other tea lights or birthday candles
  • Matches
  • A sea shell
  • A mini broom for a besom (many stores sell these and brushes with their larger counterparts)
  • A small notebook for journaling
  • A small crystal
If you intend to set up a travel altar, bless and consecrate the supplies, as well as the bag they are to be carried in. Then, any time you're on the road, you can take an altar with you, without having to pack up your home altar,house shrine, etc.

This is a travel altar designed by Dancing Goddess Dolls:

To see more, visit this link.


Lammas Altar

My video of this year's Lammas altar, featuring a hand-knit altar cloth, some brand-new candles, and many seasonal decorations that make for a simple, but elegant altar setting.

Lammas Bread and Protection Spell

Lammas is celebratory of the first harvest of the year, which more often than not largely involves gathering up the grain: maize, wheat, barley, etc. It should come as no surprise, therefore, that baking bread with this freshly-harvested grain is a typical activity of the Lammas season. Hundreds of years ago, the first loaf to be baked was broken into pieces and crumbled into the corners of the granary, or other grain-storage facility. This was intended to protect the grain against pests, spoilage, and other forms of damage. An adapted version of this Anglo-Saxon charm is a great way to involve the whole family in the Lammas ritual - even young children can help measure the ingredients for the bread (not to mention all the help with crumbling the bread later!).
  • 2 cups whole wheat flour
  • 2 cups bread flour (have some extra on hand)
  • 1/4 cup sesame seeds (toasted)
  • 2 tbsp active dry yeast
  • 2 1/2 tsp salt
  • 2 cups "scalded" milk (heated to almost boiling)
  • 3 tbsp smooth peanut butter
  • 3 tbsp honey
  • 1 tbsp vegetable oil
In a large bowl, mix the dry ingredients. Add the peanut butter and honey to the hot milk and stir until combined. Allow liquid to cool to 115 °F, then stir into flour mixture. Knead gently for 15 minutes, adding some of that extra bread flour until a smooth, elastic dough is achieved. Lightly wipe with vegetable oil, cover with a damp towel or plastic wrap, and allow to rise in a warm spot until dough size has doubled. This step may take several hours, so be patient. Then, punch down the dough (gently, again - food doesn't respond well to violence). Shape into two loaves, and let rise again until doubled. Bake at 375 °F until golden brown and delicious.
Protection Spell:

Once cooled, take one of the loaves and break into quarters. Step outside the home, and, beginning at the North or Northeastern corner of the building, set down one of the bread pieces. Recite a blessing of protection. A simple version is:
I call on the spirits
Of north, and south, east and west
Protect this place

Use your creativity. Leave the bread for the local wildlife, and continue around the house, repeating the procedure at the four corners of the property. Then enjoy the other loaf!


While I am certainly no expert on the subject, bread can be baked in a vast variety of designs and shapes. If one appeals to you in particular, and especially if it reflects a theme of Lammas, go for it! The bread can also be baked in a wreath shape. Holes are cut in the bread, and candles can be inserted. Consider using 12 candles, for the wheel of the year. They don't have to be large; even tea lights in a sturdy glass container will do nicely. Or, just leave the bread in traditional loaves. It's your call.

Recipe/spell from here.

August 1st, 2012

A very happy Lammas to everyone! I'm celebrating today with some self-pampering, a nice ritual, and, of course, some great food. Lammas, after all, is in celebration of the beginning of the harvest season.
I've been busy as a bee-bird* the last few days, getting ready to go to Hazelnut's house on Friday. Besides the fact that we just plain have fun together, we are going to go to the Fairy Fest, or "World of Faeries", as the event is also known. We will dress up, me as a water fairy, and Hazelnut as a fire fairy. Dresses, gemstones, glitter - it'll be pretty awesome, if I do say so myself. I believe we're also going on Sunday. I'm super excited; I had to miss it last year due to a family reunion. Definitely taking some pictures to share!

*This was a play on words: "bee-bird" is the literal translation of the word for "hummingbird" in Japanese (hachidori). And now it's a lot less funny since I had to explain it. ;)