
Merry Meet, all. Hummingbird, here. 21-year-old eclectic Pagan and witch who works primarily in crystal, warding, and energy magicks. Asexual, with a wonderful girlfriend. I am just beginning to learn the path of Athena. Attending college with end goal of a degree in Interior Design.

This blog is a digitalized record of my life as a Pagan. It includes spells, charms, notes on the properties of various magickal items, and my own personal experiences with my practice. Sometimes I post multiple times a day, sometimes it's once a month.

All are welcome here. Please, make yourself at home, and let me know if I can help you with anything. )0(


August 18th, 2012

I just finished cleansing the house! After the events of yesterday, and the passing of one of my dad's good friends, I thought the energy really needed to be cleared, and it already feels way better in here! Energy cleansing is an important part of regulating the health of a household, and should be done after a bad fight, break-up, divorce, death, or other negative occurrence. It can also be done even when nothing bad has occurred, to keep the positive energy fresh and flowing. All you need is some salt, water, and a bell (but you don't even need that if you can clap your hands). Bless and cleanse the first two. Put three pinches of salt into the water and stir, while consecrating the mixture as holy water. Then walk into the room where the most negative energy is clinging (if, for instance, you are cleansing after an argument, go first to the room where the argument took place). Dip your fingers into the holy water and draw a banishing pentagram in the air. Say something along the lines of:
"I cleanse this space of all negativity, in this world and in the astral. Nothing evil or nasty, real or imagined, can ever abide here. So mote it be." 
Then sprinkle some of the water three times in a counter-clockwise circle. Ring the bell or clap your hands until the energy in the room has been raised to a normal, positive level. Repeat the procedure in every room of the home. Note: energy should always be cleansed after a new home, apartment, dorm, etc. is purchased. Old negativity from the previous owners can hang around otherwise.
Now that I'm home, and have some time to do so, I can finally finish off my running gemstone presentations with today's final stone (for now), Unakite.

Physical Characteristics: Unakite appears as a pink stone mottled with an  olive green. It may look almost mossy, and have little pink showing. If there is no pink, however, the stone may not be Unakite, but green Epidote.

In Nature: Unakite is an altered granite composed of pink feldspar and green Epidote, mixed with clear quartz.

Chemical Composition: SiO2 + Ca2(Fe,Al)Al2

Mohs Scale Hardness: 6.5 (middle)

Can be Found: South Africa, the USA, Brazil, and China

Healing Properties*: By releasing emotional trauma, the whole body is impacted, with healthier organs, muscles, and other tissues. Unakite is important to a safe pregnancy, aiding healthy growth of the infant, and, if one is underweight, can help one reach a safe body mass.

Magickal Properties: Unakite provides balance between the mundane and spiritual lives. It helps remove obstacles to personal growth, allowing one to let go of pain and anger. The stone builds self-confidence, strengthens courage, and allows one to really take control of one's life. Additionally, Unakite can be taken into difficult situations, to retain one's personal power. Unakite also has associations with finding lost objects, gardening, and attracting spirit guides.

Chakra Association: Unakite is best synchronised with the Third, or Solar Plexus Chakra, and the Fourth, or Heart Chakra.

Element: Fire, Water

Energy: Projective, Receptive

Planetary Association: Mars, Venus

*Magickal healing should never take the place of seeing a doctor and following any recommended prescriptions, actions, or other advice. Magick works best in tandem with physical efforts, anyway, so don't skimp on those check-ups!

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