
Merry Meet, all. Hummingbird, here. 21-year-old eclectic Pagan and witch who works primarily in crystal, warding, and energy magicks. Asexual, with a wonderful girlfriend. I am just beginning to learn the path of Athena. Attending college with end goal of a degree in Interior Design.

This blog is a digitalized record of my life as a Pagan. It includes spells, charms, notes on the properties of various magickal items, and my own personal experiences with my practice. Sometimes I post multiple times a day, sometimes it's once a month.

All are welcome here. Please, make yourself at home, and let me know if I can help you with anything. )0(


January 14th, 2012

What an interesting two days it has been! Yesterday, while waiting for rehearsal for the musical to begin, I was listening to my iPod, after putting 600 MB of Pagan music on it the other night. As I was sitting, my choir teacher/musical-director walked up and asked what I was listening to. He knows that I'm Pagan, so I said "Pagan music," and handed him an ear bud. He listened for a few minutes, and gave me kind of an odd look before saying "I had no idea that even existed. You'll have to burn me a CD, as this is clearly a topic I haven't explored deeply enough." Then later, as he was telling the rest of the cast off for not attending set-building days like they're supposed to, he thanked me for going, saying "God bless you", and then correcting himself, saying instead "May the Goddess watch over you". I was rather flattered that he cared enough to be so nice about it, and I did end up burning a CD for him, giving it to him at set-build this morning. When I got home, I found that these crazy-awesome plants of mine have grown again. Here they are now:

Compare that to the picture I took on Tuesday, when they were barely two inches high. I love their enthusiasm, and they seem quite pleased with themselves. In other news, Mother Nature may be back on track now, as we had another sprinkling of snow this morning, to add to our four or five inches. Huzzah!

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