
Merry Meet, all. Hummingbird, here. 21-year-old eclectic Pagan and witch who works primarily in crystal, warding, and energy magicks. Asexual, with a wonderful girlfriend. I am just beginning to learn the path of Athena. Attending college with end goal of a degree in Interior Design.

This blog is a digitalized record of my life as a Pagan. It includes spells, charms, notes on the properties of various magickal items, and my own personal experiences with my practice. Sometimes I post multiple times a day, sometimes it's once a month.

All are welcome here. Please, make yourself at home, and let me know if I can help you with anything. )0(


July 11th, 2014

A couple of months ago, Hazelnut took me to a new metaphysical shop near her house called Gypsy Haven. It's an amazing place, one which I definitely plan to frequent, and also a huge purveyor of crystals. There was too much variety almost to choose from, but I settled on a piece of Black Onyx since I didn't happen to have any yet. Having had some free time today (finally), I felt it prudent to actually get its properties researched and posted.


Physical Characteristics: Onyx comes in almost all colors, though black and white are the most well-publicized. The red variety, depending on its composition, is either Sard or Sardonyx.

In Nature: This stone forms from bands of chalcedony in alternating colors and is cryptocrystalline, meaning that its crystal structure is so fine that it is difficult to see, even under a microscope. It forms in vesicles of lava, and consists of fine intergrowths of Quartz and Moganite.

Chemical Composition: SiO2

Mohs Scale Hardness: 7 (middle)

Can be Found: Brazil, Uruguay, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, India, Hawaii, Madagascar

Healing Properties*: Onyx's healing powers are effective but slow. To combat epilepsy, eye and ear problems, unbalanced chakras, and the like, wear Onyx for at least two weeks and up to a couple of months. Cleanse the stone weekly when used in this way. The stone is especially renown for its ability to heal skin ailments. For cases of sunburn, rash, and other topical conditions, use Onyx water (i.e. water that has held an Onyx for a number of hours) to wash the afflicted area throughout the day.

Magickal Properties: According to Greek and Roman legend, Cupid wandered past the sleeping Venus one afternoon, and, feeling mischievous, used his arrowhead to cut the goddess' fingernails. When the clippings fell to the sand, the Fates turned them into the first Onyx so as to let no part of the immortal perish. The name "Onyx" comes from "onux", the Greek word for "fingernail". This legend ties the stone to two powerful deities of love, and yet modern lore states that Onyx will actually reduce sexual desire. Scott Cunningham reconciles this opposition in his Crystal, Gems, & Metal Magic when he points out that as a protective stone, Onyx can be used both ways: to suppress desire when sex could be considered a health risk or to stimulate it by protecting life and the impetus thereof. That aside, Onyx will grant both physical and mental strength and is an aide for releasing attachments to negative people, places, memories, etc. In tandem with Amethyst, the stone is a tool for overcoming alcoholism and encouraging sobriety. Above all, Onyx is famed for its protective qualities, whether that entails keeping negative people out of one's life or warding off danger while driving through a dangerous neighborhood. By virtue of its banishing negativity, the stone is a confidence booster as well as a stress reliever. Use the stone in banishing rituals, or as a tool of divination; in particular, it is an excellent scrying stone. Other magickal uses include psychic contact with the deceased, mediumship, and past-life regression. In Chinese Feng Shui, the color black is associated with wealth and wisdom; left in an office, Onyx will assist its bearer in making wise business choices. Onyx is noted for its tendency to store the energies of its owner. This is a good thing for its bearer, as it creates a close working tie with the stone, but should one receive Onyx as a gift, be sure to thoroughly cleanse the stone of its old energy.

Chakra Association: First (Root) Chakra. Also the Second (Sacral) and Sixth (Third Eye).

Element: Fire
Energy: Projective

Planetary Association: Mars

*Magickal healing should never take the place of seeing a doctor and following any recommended prescriptions, actions, or other advice. Magick works best in tandem with physical efforts, anyway, so don't skimp on those check-ups!

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