
Merry Meet, all. Hummingbird, here. 21-year-old eclectic Pagan and witch who works primarily in crystal, warding, and energy magicks. Asexual, with a wonderful girlfriend. I am just beginning to learn the path of Athena. Attending college with end goal of a degree in Interior Design.

This blog is a digitalized record of my life as a Pagan. It includes spells, charms, notes on the properties of various magickal items, and my own personal experiences with my practice. Sometimes I post multiple times a day, sometimes it's once a month.

All are welcome here. Please, make yourself at home, and let me know if I can help you with anything. )0(



Physical Characteristics: Dumortierite ranges in color, and may be found in brown, blue, green, pink, or violet.

In Nature: This stone occurs in metamorphic rocks rich in aluminium and is used the manufacture of high grade porcelain.

Chemical Composition: Al7BO3(SiO4)3(O, OH)3
Mohs Scale Hardness: 7 - 8.5 (medium - high)

Can be Found: Austria, Brazil, Canada, France, Italy, Madagascar, Namibia, Norway, Poland, Russia, Sri Lanka, and the United States

Healing Properties*: This Blue Quartz disinflames the throat and thyroid, and provides a bodily detox. The stone is beneficial to the spleen, endocrine system, and blood.

Magickal Properties: Dumortierite assists communication between the upper and lower chakras and balances one's spiritual energy with one's physical. Clean your aura with the stone to speed up the process. It is a student's crystal, boosting mental discipline by keeping the mind focused and also by boosting the speed at which one accumulates data. It enhances organization and determination, as well as enhancing creativity and self-expression. The stone lifts depression and stubbornness and eases emotional tension. Dumortierite stimulates the verbalization of spiritual ideas, opens the psychic centers, and enhances contact with spirit guides and angels. Use it provide stamina both in unyielding situations and times of illness, and creates patience in its bearer. 

Chakra Association: Fifth (Throat) and Sixth (Third Eye) chakras

Element: Air

Energy: Receptive

Planetary Association: Neptune

*Magickal healing should never take the place of seeing a doctor and following any recommended prescriptions, actions, or other advice. Magick works best in tandem with physical efforts, anyway, so don't skimp on those check-ups!

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