
Merry Meet, all. Hummingbird, here. 21-year-old eclectic Pagan and witch who works primarily in crystal, warding, and energy magicks. Asexual, with a wonderful girlfriend. I am just beginning to learn the path of Athena. Attending college with end goal of a degree in Interior Design.

This blog is a digitalized record of my life as a Pagan. It includes spells, charms, notes on the properties of various magickal items, and my own personal experiences with my practice. Sometimes I post multiple times a day, sometimes it's once a month.

All are welcome here. Please, make yourself at home, and let me know if I can help you with anything. )0(


September 28th, 2011

First, I would like to note that the time-zone this blog is set to is off by a few hours; I do not sit around at 3:00 in the morning blogging. With that said, today, I am focusing on Feng Shui. If you have not yet figured it out, I love to read about the mystical, metaphysical, and magical, and today I started a book entitled Feng Shui Made Easy, by William Spear. In today's post, I will provide you with excerpts from a quiz in Chapter One, that will allow you to discover what aspects of your life need a bit (or a lot) of tweaking, and which need little or none.
Of the options provided, choose the one that best fits your life as you see it. Bear in mind that every sentence is a sample situation, so just pick the one closest to events in your life. If you are a teenager, some things, like having children or jobs, may not apply to you. Think instead of the teen correlation: school, siblings, etc.

House: The Journey (Water)
A) Life flows along quite well. I'm on the right road. I'm doing the work I want to do. I feel acknowledged by my co-workers. I am satisfied with the work I do. I feel productive. I have a good job. I feel fortunate to be doing what I really want to do and enjoy doing it. I feel I'm sailing on a beautiful ocean liner!
B) As above, but less so.
C) As below, but less so.
D) I feel like a salmon swimming upstream - definitely against the flow. I do not have a job. I am working, but not doing what I want. I'm thinking about going into a whole new field. My resume is out there, but I'm not getting any calls. I don't like my job and am looking for a new one. I haven't had my luck in the workplace these days. Help! I'm drowning!
House: Relationships (Earth)
A) My relationships are great. I get a lot of attention from my mate. My social life is very active. My spouse is wonderful. I meet new people every week who ask me out. I feel as if we are still on our honeymoon. The phone hardly ever stops ringing. I'm recently engaged.
B) As above, but less so.
C) As below, but less so.
D) My social life is a disaster. I've tried everything to meet my match, but there just doesn't seem to be anyone interested. I feel jinxed. I'm in the process of separating. I just moved to town and have found it difficult to meet new people - one date is easy but they never call back. I thought celibacy would be better than this. I'm thinking about taking vows!
House: Elders (Thunder)
A) I get along very well with both my parents. I had a special relationship with one of my grandparents. My boss at work is a great supervisor. I have a mentor from college with whom I still keep in touch. I have a lot of teachers I highly respect. My dad died a while back; we finally came to peace over a lot of unresolved issues before he passed on. I have a deep respect for my ancestors.
B) As above, but less so.
C) As below, but less so.
D) I haven't spoken to my parents in years. My grandfather was a horrible man, and I never liked him. My boss is mean and insensitive. My mom and I argue all the time. My teachers never liked me. I don't usually get along very well with old people. One or both of my parents never loved me very much. Don't ask!

House: Fortunate Blessings (Wind)
A) I feel blessed with good fortune nearly every day. I make money and have a good income. People call me lucky. Money is not a problem for me. Things show up just when I need them.
B) As above, but less so.
C) As below, but less so.
D) I'm broke. I could barely pay my rent last month. I do not have a job. I'm pretty far in debt right now. When it comes to luck, I'm having a bad streak these days. It's really hard to pay the bills recently. Blessed? Ha! How 'bout cursed?
House: Unity (Tai Chi)
As this is a rather detailed house, we will get to this in another post.
House: Helpful Friends (Heaven)
A) I am an active volunteer in many organizations, giving both my time and my money whenever I can. Many friends would do anything for me, as I would for them. Sometimes I feel I have a guardian angel watching over me. I try to give generously to those in need. A lot of people have helped me in times of trouble. I am amazed that, whatever you give, you always receive much more in return.
B) As above, but less so.
C) As below, but less so.
D) When I'm down and out, I'm on my own. I'd like to help others more, sure, but I'm just so busy and I barely get by myself. People don't usually think of me as someone to depend on for support. I don't see many volunteers that help our group. Everyone is in it for the money. There is no such thing as angels except in fairy tales.
House: Creativity (Lake or Marsh)
A) My children are everything to me. I am very creative. I have no shortage of ideas or projects. Kids are great, and even though I don't have any, I really love them. As an artist, my creativity is my life, and I am very fortunate to be blessed with lots of it.
B) As above, but less so.
C) As below, but less so.
D) Children should be seen, not heard. I haven't had a new idea in years. We're having trouble conceiving. I can write poetry - if rhyming words counts - but usually feel pretty blocked. The last big project I worked on failed miserably. I want kids, but I think I'm infertile. My children and I don't get along at all. I feel less creative than a block of wood.
House: Contemplation (Mountain)
A) My life is full of spiritual meaning. I meditate every day. I love reading scripture and teachings of the masters. I am religious in my own way. I've done a lot of searching in this area, through many avenues, and have gone through lots of changes. Life is a mystery.
B) As above, but less so.
C) As below, but less so.
D) I'm pretty skeptical about what science can't prove. I'd like to meditate, but I'm too busy. Books on religion and the "spiritual world" bore me. I used to believe in God, but when I see all these religions fighting with each other, I'm not so sure. What you see is all there is; the rest is all manufactured for mass consumption. The New Age is a marketing ploy. Prayer makes no difference in my life. God is dead. I don't understand this part.
House: Illumination (Fire)
A) Every day is another miracle. Sometimes life feels like a dream. I have a good sense of myself and do not live to please others. I am usually very clear about my direction in life. People find me a source of inspiration. I feel contented to be alone, even though I enjoy other people in my life, too. My good intuition is a sign of my clarity.
B) As above, but less so.
C) As below, but less so.
D) How others feel about me matters a lot. I feel confused about half the time. Someone will show me how. Nobody really respects me for the work I do. It will be a long time before I'm anywhere near enlightenment. Death is a terrifying concept to me, and I am not ready, no way, not yet, please.
Do not worry if you don't have many As. The whole point of the quiz is to see where you can improve. Now make a priority list: sections with Ds first, then Cs, then Bs, and then As. By using Feng Shui, you should be able to raise these areas by at least a letter grade, if not more.

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