
Merry Meet, all. Hummingbird, here. 21-year-old eclectic Pagan and witch who works primarily in crystal, warding, and energy magicks. Asexual, with a wonderful girlfriend. I am just beginning to learn the path of Athena. Attending college with end goal of a degree in Interior Design.

This blog is a digitalized record of my life as a Pagan. It includes spells, charms, notes on the properties of various magickal items, and my own personal experiences with my practice. Sometimes I post multiple times a day, sometimes it's once a month.

All are welcome here. Please, make yourself at home, and let me know if I can help you with anything. )0(


April 30th, 2013

I started reading Margot Adler's Drawing Down the Moon today, and even though I'm not twenty pages in, I'm in love! This fascinating text is a completely revised and updated history of the Pagan movement in the United States, including information on the many paths of Paganism, how Pagans apply their beliefs to "real life", and what festivals and rituals are like. She draws from thousands of interviews, includes pictures, and generally writes in a style that thus far is unbiased and relatable. Can't wait to read more!
In other news (I use that expression a lot, don't I?), my AP Environmental class went outside today, just to enjoy the 70+ degree weather. My school has a restored prairie on one side, containing native grasses, wild flowers, and some trees, and it was through here that we got to walk. It's very pretty, even though many of the plants won't put out leaves until late May, and we saw several ducks swimming in a puddle. Right now, our class is growing various native plants indoors, and once the last chance of frost is over, we'll plant them out in a new section of prairie. It's really cool to get to connect with nature in a way that is actively restoring habitat, and it's even better to be able to do so in a way that promotes further human interaction with the landscape. Most people don't understand the need to conserve nature until they've been out in it.

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